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EthealBudapest, Krisztina krt. 99, 1016 Magyarország

Project leader

Junior |Full-time |Marketing, PR |Budapest
Salary range
Not provided
Job details
Application deadline
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Job info

About the job

We are looking for a new full-time teammate, who helps us keeping our team in check and things in order in our office.

How to apply:
send your CV and a short essay about “Why should we hire you?” (less than 180 characters)

Salary range

Salary rangeNot provided

Work schedule

Weekly working hours
Core time10 - 18


Task management
Supporting our team
Writing and revising contracts
Keeping track of projects
Office management

Technologies and tools

mac |asana |telegram |skype |Jobs to be Done (JTBD)

Professional skills

  • English4 / 5
  • Project management5 / 5
  • Team management4 / 5
  • Office management3 / 5
  • Communication5 / 5


ManagementNo qualification required
Media and communicationsNo qualification required
BusinessNo qualification required

Language skills

EnglishConversational level

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Personal skills

Team player |Organized |Good communicator |Assertive |Resolve conflicts


  • -Hungry to learn and have a global impact within Healthcare
  • -Mild OCD tendencies (our co-founder Viktor doesn’t want to feel lonely), you perfer order
  • -Speed + fast + quick + ASAP + ASAP as Possible
  • -You don’t want to work on the assembly line, every day will be a new challenge to resolve
  • -Under-defined but fast and agile startup environment is where you can give your peak performance
  • -Proactivity

Tasks 1.

-Support Etheal’s rapid growth
-Take roughly defined tasks, collect all the missing information and get the job done
-Make sure that our office functions properly, and the number of cutlery keeps up with the size of our team
-Take notes at the speed of the Falcon Heavy
-Support our team of creatives, analysts, remote workers, misfits and lazy geniuses

Tasks 2.

-Keeping track of projects and following up on them
-Think outside the box, focus on solutions, not problems
-Writing and revising contracts in English
Example: get answers from 30+ startups from Estonia within 24 hours about where did they open their bank account

Extra / Nice-to-have

1. If you can start yesterday

2. and you follow no-bullshit thought leaders (eg: Charlie Munger, Vishal Ravikant, Avinash Kaushik, Clay Christensen, Robert Cialdini)

About the company

What makes our product special

Research & Development |Consumer Services |Client services |Big Data |Algorithm development |Health |Fitness |Wellness |Travel & Tourism

Our product

Az Etheal egy blokklánc alapon működő, decentralizált, világméretű orvoskereső platform, amely a globális orvosi turizmus megreformálására törekszik. A projekt előzménye a Doklistcom, amely 4 éve működik és évi 2,5 millió látogatót szolgál ki Magyarországon és Brazíliában. A következő évben 20 célországban szeretnénk aktívan jelen lenni, ehhez persze szükségünk van a világ legjobb csapatára is!

Product video

Product video

Company values


Follow us

Life with us

Lightning round

30-60 perc
Mac vagy PC
2018.CES(Las Vegas) ICO pitch competition: 2. hely

How can the employees affect the company’s life?

Napi standup, heti follow-up meetingek, közös brainstormingok

Office photo

What would I miss if I left

Már az amerikai egyetemeken is felfigyeltek egy magyar egészségügyi startupra


Favourite thing in the office

Which celebrity would your company be?

Which celebrity would your company be?

Keanu Reeves - High-Tech

Team video

Team video

A munkahelyről

Átlag életkor
Fiú/lány arány
Mit esztek szívesen együtt?


  • Szakorvosi ellátás keresésére fejlesztett platform
  • Vélemények alapján kereshetsz orvosokat
  • A legmegbízhatóbb orvosokat listázzuk világszerte
  • Akár 40-60%-kal kedvezőbben találhatsz neked megfelelő ellátást
  • Blokklánc alapon tároljuk az adatokat
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