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IndivizoBudapest, Alkotás u. 17-19, 1123 Hungary

Menedzser asszisztens

Medior |Full-time |Administration |Budapest
Salary range
Not provided
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About the job

Gyorsan növekvő startup csapatunkba, dinamikusan alakuló szervezetünk mindennapi működésének olajozására keressük kollégánkat, aki képes szerteágazó feladatokkal zsonglőrködve a munkánkat, mindennapjainkat támogatni.

Ebben a pozícióban nálunk a rátermettség, a pozitív hozzáállás és a belső hajtóerő számít.

Salary range

Salary rangeNot provided

Work schedule

Weekly working hours
Core time9:00 - 15:00


Ügyviteli,értékesítési, ügyfélkapcsolati támogatás
Kapcsolódó adminisztráció elvégzése
Projekt típusú feladatok teljes körű menedzselése
Helyzetkezelés, problémamegoldás

Technologies and tools

Slack |Google Drive |Gmail |Google Docs / Spreadsheets

Professional skills

  • Szervezés, helyzetkezelés5 / 5
  • Adminisztráció és rendszerezés4 / 5
  • Proaktivitás, együttműködés4 / 5
  • magabiztos, jó kommunikáció4 / 5
  • English language knowledge4 / 5


GeneralSecondary graduation

Language skills

EnglishFit for negotiation

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Personal skills

Flexible |Optimista
About the company

Our story

  • 2012-12-01Kick off
  • 2013-10-01Beta version
  • 2014-04-01First paying customer
  • 2015-03-01Our first investment
  • 2016-01-01European expansion
  • 2018-03-01Indivizo Middle East

What makes our product special

Tech |Product development |Human Resources |Startup |Daily standup

Our product

Data-driven recruitment to hire top talent

Indivizo is a cloud-based system with Automated Video Interviews, Serious Games, AI-based Personality Profiles and even more. It lets applicants show their true personalities and helps employers get to know more people faster. Our innovative services are now used in 85 countries across the world by companies like Telenor and Telekom.

Product video

Product video

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Life with us

Lightning round

Thai, Chinese, Mexican, salad... you choose :)
Beer, wine or shot?
Fröccs! (pronounced 'frdggg')
Favorite decor?
The table WE made for the meeting room.

Trainings and workshops

The company can only thrive through the development of the team. Sometimes this requires a conference or lecture, sometimes just a bit of time for getting familiar with new technologies.

How can the employees affect the company’s life?

Four times a year we organise some away days to think and plan for the whole company. Teams do it even more often, our developers for example have a retrospective every second week, after each sprint.

Office photo

What would I miss if I left

During team buildings it's like we are all Master Chefs. By the way Patyo was actually on MasterChef once :) #no_joke



Favourite thing in the office

Personal qualities we appreciate

The most important thing is to be a great personal fit for the team. So far this recipe has always worked for us.

We love our devs


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