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Budapest, Horánszky u. 13, 1085 MagyarországAI coach for FPS games


Dezvoltare software |Budapest |Pécs |Micro company (< 10)
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Despre companie

Istoria noastră

  • 2017-08-01The idea was born, market research started.
  • 2018-01-30Built concierge MVP
  • 2018-06-01Company registered, funding received
  • 2018-03-01Product development started
  • 2018-11-07Limited early access (100 user)
  • 2018-12-07Public early access

Produsul nostru este special, datorită acestor lucruri

AI |Cloud Computing |Esport |unique AI coaching system |Gaming |automatic VOD review |Computer vision |B2C

Despre produsul nostru


Omnicoach is the ultimate Overwatch coaching system, built to help gamers improve and become better player. Omnicoach gives personalized analysis on the gamers video, including actionable tips, detailed statistics & exercises that help gamers improve in the areas where they lack the most.

Check the demo site!

If you are interested in joining our team, send us an email.

Video despre produs sau serviciu

Video despre produs sau serviciu

Valorile companiei


Aici ne poți urmări

Viața la noi

Întrebări fulger

Favorite decor?
Arnold Schwarzenegger :)
Most proud of
Make Omnicoach from scratch

Așa ne dezvoltăm colegii

We attend on meetups, make brainstormings and trainings in the team.

We have a coach who helps us through our journey.

Cum pot să influențeze angajații viața societății?

Everyone is involved in the decision-making process, so feel free to raise any ideas that come into your mind!

Foto despre birou

Ce mi-ar lipsi dacă aș pleca?

The gamer community, our energetic team, the vibe and of course the challenges we face every day.


Product lead

Obiectul favorit in birou

Calități personale pe care le apreciem

Open-minded people, trust, honesty, empathy, a little craziness, curiosity for science and new technologies

Care dinte celebrități ar fi societatea?

Care dinte celebrități ar fi societatea?

Richard Dean Anderson - Professionally conscious

Recomandă unui prieten!

Trimite linkul

Panka, our Team manager

The 1 million dollar hand

Joburi recomandate pentru tine
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