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InvenshureBudapest, Szerémi út 4, 1117 Hungary

Technical Service and Support Engineer

Medior |Full-time |Operațiuni IT |Budapest
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Informații despre job

Despre job

This is an opportunity for a self-motivated technical support specialist to interact with all facets of a software engineering within a fast-paced company working with cutting edge technology. A proactive approach for troubleshooting, and a working knowledge for managing Linux servers from a remote SSH. This role requires an innovative thinker who is striving to improve customer experience.

Nivel salariu

Nivel salariuNu este menționat

Modul preferat de aplicare

Limba de aplicare:
engleză, maghiară,

Programul de lucru

Timp de lucru săptămânal40 oră / săptămână
Core time7 - 15


System installation upgrade, maintenance operation
Taking ownership of user support requests
Use command line tools/logs to identify an issue
Escalate issues and tracking related progress
Diligent use of support ticket tools

Cunoștințe profesionale

  • Remote services: AWS, Google2 / 5
  • Linux Server, Desktop admin3 / 5
  • CLI, shell scripting2 / 5
  • Verbal and written English3 / 5


InformaticăCurs suplimentar
Formare tehnică, inginerieCurs suplimentar

Limbi cunoscute

EnglezăNivel conversațional

Recomandă unui prieten!

Trimite linkul

Competențe personale

Capacitatea de rezolvare a problemelor |Ability to teamwork |Strong client-facing |Proficiency in log evaluation

Viitoarea echipă în cifre

Mărimea echipei
16-25 de persoane
Vârsta celui mai tânăr/mai în vârstă coleg
22 - 55

Este avantajos, dacă..

  • Prefer a fast-paced environment
  • Data migration
  • Strong attention to detail surrounding HIPAA compliance and security
Despre companie

Istoria noastră

  • 2015-01-01Invenshure Hungary LLC was founded by our parent company Invenshure LLC.
  • 2015-02-01We celebrated the ribbon cutting of our first office.
  • 2016-03-04We hired our 10th colleague!
  • 2016-03-31Since we outgrew the space we moved to our current office.
  • 2019-04-01We moved to our brand new office and hired our 20th colleague at the same time!

Produsul nostru este special, datorită acestor lucruri

Tech |Cloud |Teambuilding |International team |Amazon Web Services |IoT |Health |Python |Docker

Despre produsul nostru

Our team’s main focus is building software applications using state-of-the-art technologies. The expert team provides key contributions to Invenshure’s portfolio companies.

Video despre produs sau serviciu

Video despre produs sau serviciu

Valorile companiei


Aici ne poți urmări

Viața la noi

Întrebări fulger

Average age?
Squash, soccer, board games and hiking
Beer, wine or shot?
High Mountain Oolong tea 'shots' from Taiwan

Așa ne dezvoltăm colegii

Regular internal training/workshops on technologies and personal development as well.

Cum pot să influențeze angajații viața societății?

We have regular meetings where colleagues can sum up their projects and share their ideas or questions. Bi-weekly organised “Office Chat” is a good spot for any official/unofficial announcement.

Asta ne place cel mai mult în biroul nostru

Flexible working environment. Family-friendly attitude. Delicious coffee and tea and separately tempered offices.

Foto despre birou

Ce mi-ar lipsi dacă aș pleca?

I am not just a small gear in a large engine. Here I can design engines.


Obiectul favorit in birou

Calități personale pe care le apreciem

Willingness to learn, being a team player, work smart, ready to make mistakes but learn from it.

Care dinte celebrități ar fi societatea?

Care dinte celebrități ar fi societatea?

Keanu Reeves - High-Tech

Videoul echipei

Videoul echipei

Portfolio companies

Develops medical image recognition tools


Develops research data sharing tool

Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) company

What we like to do:

  • Exciting Team Buildings - Sailing, Russian Tank driving, Gokart, Trabant Rally, Wakeboarding
  • Sports - Squash and Soccer
  • Movie Friday, BoardGame Evening
  • Family party - Barbecue & hiking
  • Friday Pizza lunch
  • Baja Fish-Soup Festival
Joburi recomandate pentru tine
Toate joburile

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