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Saltech ConsultingBudapest, Kálmán Imre u. 1, 1054 Hungary

Business Development Representative

Medior |Full-time |Management |Budapest
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Informații despre job

Despre job

We are looking for a tech-driven business professional to join our business development team. Your role would be tied to numerous functional areas such as sales, marketing and talent sourcing with the common focus of ‘growth’. You should be independent with your work, have the “networking gene” and be able to manage your time in the most efficient manner. All that work has to be done in English.

Nivel salariu

Nivel salariuNu este menționat

Modul preferat de aplicare

Limba de aplicare:
engleză, maghiară,

Programul de lucru

Timp de lucru săptămânal40 oră / săptămână
Core time9:00 - 17:30


Uncovering growth areas in sales and recruitment
Gathering market and client intelligence
Contribute to designing our services and products
Maintaining a positive attitude
Take part in business trips across the globe

Tehnologii, instrumente

asana |Slack |G Suite |Sales Navigator

Cunoștințe profesionale

  • Business process management3 / 5
  • agile methodology3 / 5
  • Relationship management3 / 5


GeneralStudii universitare de licență (BA)

Limbi cunoscute

EnglezăApt pentru negociere

Recomandă unui prieten!

Trimite linkul

Competențe personale

Strong sense of ownership |Self-managed |Digital savviness |Strong networker |Outcome-oriented

Viitoarea echipă în cifre

Mărimea echipei
25+ person
Vârsta celui mai tânăr/mai în vârstă coleg
21 - 48

Viitori colegi în fotografii

Așa lucrăm noi

We are looking for a third member of the business development team. We work closely with the CEO of the company, and we have planning meetings every week. Asana is our main tool to track tasks. We often go for business trips to meet stakeholders of the market and to join conferences related to the Pega technology. Everyone's idea is welcome and we can actively shape how we work.

Ce vei învăța la noi?

To be successful in this role, you will have to bring your A-game in networking and relationship management. Your team will help you all the way to develop the skills that are necessary for success.

Candidatul ideal

  • Optimizes for growth
  • Digital him/herself
  • Ownership of goals

Este avantajos, dacă..

  • Lean startup experience
  • Design Thinking experience
  • Value Proposition Design exp.

Nu aplica dacă

If you have limitations to traveling
If you are not open to building relationships and networking
Despre companie

Istoria noastră

  • 2015-12Foundation of the company
  • 2016-03Our first consultants start their training program
  • 2017-07We became official Pega partners
  • 2018-08Our team grew to 25
  • 2019The first developer colleague in Spain
  • 2019-04We are a team of 30 now
  • 2020-08We grew to 40
  • 2022-03The first developer in Germany
  • 2022-11Our first developer colleague in Poland

Produsul nostru este special, datorită acestor lucruri

Business consultation |Business applications |For enterprises |Quick prototypisation |Quick development

Despre produsul nostru

Consultation services and application development

Our clients are Fortune 500 companies for whom we create business applications to automate their business processes with the help of the Pega platform.

Valorile companiei

Home Office opportunity
Travel opportunities
Age doesn't matter

Aici ne poți urmări

Viața la noi

Întrebări fulger

Ties or shorts?
Air conditioning or window?
Average age?

Așa ne dezvoltăm colegii

We provide several opportunities to our colleagues to help them grow professionally and learn continuously by supporting them with online courses and participation opportunities in conferences.

Cum pot să influențeze angajații viața societății?

Our colleagues have the opportunity every 3 months to share their feedback and constructive suggestions during a quarterly assessment.

Asta ne place cel mai mult în biroul nostru

  • It is located in the city center, with different public transport options
  • Several restaurants nearby that offer lunch menus
  • Complimentary coffee and tea
  • Reception

Foto despre birou

Ce mi-ar lipsi dacă aș pleca?

Sok minden hiányozna, például a fiatal és tehetséges munkatársak, a tapasztaltabb kollégák és egy sör a kollégákkal péntek este (talán kettő)...



Obiectul favorit in birou

Calități personale pe care le apreciem

It is important for us that our colleagues are team players, optimized for continuous growth, they have critical thinking and problem-solving mentality.

Joburi recomandate pentru tine
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