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Despre companie

Istoria noastră

  • 2014-06-01The idea was born. Recording from a car-mounted GoPro gave us the inspiration.
  • 2014-09-01The team assembled and we designed the first prototype
  • 2014-10-01We won the BME outstanding innovation award
  • 2015-01-01We earned the first place on the Újbuda Startup Contest
  • 2015-05-01We’ve scored second place @ Microsoft Imagine Cup
  • 2016-01-01Based on the previous successes, the team became an official company
  • 2016-05-01Sybrillo was funded with nearly $150,000 on Kickstarter
  • 2017-10-01Hiventures invested big in Sybrillo Kft.

Produsul nostru este special, datorită acestor lucruri

smart |Inovativ |extreme |user friendly |multifunctional

Despre produsul nostru

Sybrillo GO

As our first product, we’re building a smart, multi-use camera-stabilizer system for the GoPro; it provides you pro-level video making experience. It balances any GoPro camera along all 3 axes of motion, can be pre-programmed for any camera movement, has a tracing function, can be used remotely through a smart app, and even can be used for action selfies.

Valorile companiei

Health conscious

Aici ne poți urmări

Viața la noi

Întrebări fulger

Beer, wine or shot?
Craft beers and rose wine
Favorite decor?
The orange fridge in the chill corner
NERF-gun battles

Așa ne dezvoltăm colegii

Continuous learning and developing is a core value for us. We can sponsor professional courses and help get self-learn books and software too.

Cum pot să influențeze angajații viața societății?

We invented, designed and manufactured a smart accessory that brings A-category filming techniques into user-level video production.

Foto despre birou

Ce mi-ar lipsi dacă aș pleca?

Az egymásra halmozódó that's what she said poénok ;-)

Erdei István

Creative Director

Obiectul favorit in birou

Calități personale pe care le apreciem

We put great emphasis on integrating curious, ever-learning people into our team, whose passion is innovation and trying out new things.

Care dinte celebrități ar fi societatea?

Care dinte celebrități ar fi societatea?

Pierce Brosnan - Luxy

A munkahelyről

Átlag életkor
Van ebédszünet?
Persze, együtt ebédelünk
Szülinapoztok együtt az irodában?
Naná!!! :)

Így toljuk a BBQ-t!

Kutyabarát CEO


Peyton, a szamojéd

Rufus, a border collie

A csapat

Office doggos


... is szeretünk együtt lógni! Különösképp, ha Dávid, a CEO úgy dönt, hogy meghívja magához a csapatot egy jó kis BBQ partyra! ?? A smoker adott és a vegetáriánus csapattársakra is tekintettel vagyunk! ??

BBQ party a CEO-nál


Így dolgozunk mi

Kanban rendszerben dolgozunk, a munkát heti sprintekre osztjuk, hétfőnként pedig kickoff meetinget tartunk. ?

Kutyabarát iroda

A Sybrillo HQ két négylábú kollégával is büszkélkedhet! ? Peyton, a hófehér szamojéd és Rufus, az ausztrál vörös border collie az egésznapos similehetőség biztosítása mellett lelkiismeretesen gondoskodnak a kellő mennyiségű endorfin termelésről is a szünetmentes szeretet supportjuk által. ? Egyedül annyit fontos megjegyezni, hogy ha babzsákfotelbe szeretnél ülni, azt bizony velük kell lebizniszelni! ?

Délutáni chill ?

Kutyabarát CMO


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