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CHERRISKBudapest, Róbert Károly körút 70, 1134 Magyarország

Kundenservice Mitarbeiter (deutsch, englisch und ungarisch)

Medior |Full-time |Sales |Budapest
Salary range
Not provided
Job details
Application deadline
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About the job

Arbeitest du gerne in einem Team? Lernst du schnell und bist du unabhängig? Dann hast Du einen Platz unter uns.

3 Schicht:

  • 7:00-15:30
  • 10:00-18:30
  • 13:30-22:00

Salary range

Salary rangeNot provided

Preferred application method

Language of application:
Hungarian, English,

Work schedule

Weekly working hours40-48 hours / week
Core time7 - 22


Beantwortung von Fragen zu Produkten und Dienstleistungen
Verwaltung von Kundenverträgen, Registrierung, Ausführung und Beantwortung von Kundenanfragen
Bereitstellung von Hintergrundaktivitäten für den Kundenservice
Durchführung von Umfragen zu Kundenbedürfnissen und zur Kundenzufriedenheit
Durchführung von Verwaltungsaufgaben im Zusammenhang mit Risikobewertung und Schadensregulierung

Professional skills

  • Kundenservice oder5 / 5
  • Gute Computerkenntnisse5 / 5


OtherSecondary graduation

Language skills

GermanFit for negotiation
EnglishFit for negotiation

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Personal skills

Starke Kommunikationsfähigkeit |Fähigkeiten zur Problemlösung

Home Office
COVID-19: Solution: Video Interview
About the company

Our story

  • 2017-05Testing "Insurance 2.0" model and user interface - UX prototype
  • 2018-09Launching CHERRISK in Hungary
  • 2019-05Realizing our first community goal
  • 2019-06Launching CHERRISK GO (formerly CherryGO)
  • 2020-05Launching CHERRISK by UNIQA in Germany

What makes our product special

Motiválunk |Támogatjuk a jótékonyságot |Jobb életet teremtünk |Imádjuk az innovációt |Biztosítási trendek fókuszban

Our product

Reshape the insurance industry with us!

We’re working tirelessly on reshaping the insurance industry. Our goal is to build the insurtech platform of the future, where everything is fast, simple, and easy to use.

Product video

Product video

Company values

Social responsibility
Home Office opportunity
Remote Work opportunity
Health conscious
Hybrid work

Follow us

Life with us

Lightning round

Bike, public transport or car?
Bike and public transport
Star Wars or Ben Hur?
Star Trek and Harry Potter
Mac or PC
Both (We care about quality, not brands)

Trainings and workshops

Language courses

Professional trainings

Personal coaching

How can the employees affect the company’s life?

A fenntarthatóság szuper fontos generációnk számára. Hiszünk a mikro mobilitásban, a közösségi gazdagságban, emellett fenntartható márkákat választunk. Ezeket a "mondásokat" írásba foglaljuk és vállalati értékeinkké tesszük őket.

Why we love our office

The wonderful community spaces

The monthly breakfasts

The cute dogs

The amazing people

Office photo

What would I miss if I left

I would miss the team, which is awesome. I've never worked anywhere else where so many friendships were formed.

Barnabás B. Horváth

Head of Brand and Communication

Favourite thing in the office

Personal qualities we appreciate

Adaptive and creative people

Good performance

A sense of humor

Which celebrity would your company be?

Which celebrity would your company be?

Keanu Reeves - High-Tech

Team video

Team video

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